Nadiem Makarim said that the implementation of the 2020 National Examination (UN) will be the last to be held.
The National Examination will be replaced by the Minimum Competence Assessment and Character Survey conducted in 4th grade for elementary school, 8th grade for junior high school and 11th grade for vocational high school.
So, how about other related policies ?, In a press release from the Bureau of Communication and Community Service of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem established four educational policies named 'Merdeka Belajar'.
"The four main programs of the policy will be the direction of debriefing in the future, which will focus on the direction of the President and Vice President in improving the quality of human resources," Nadiem said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (11/12).
The implementation of USBN
The National Standard School Examination (USBN) in 2020 will be held by the school. Later, what will be assessed are student competencies with written tests as well as other more comprehensive assessments. Such as portfolios and assignments (group work, paperwork and so on).
According to Nadiem, thus teachers and schools will be more flexible in assessing student learning outcomes. "The USBN budget itself can be diverted to develop the capacity of teachers and schools," he said.
RPP is composed by the teacher freely
While for the preparation of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), the Ministry of Education and Culture will cut some of its components.
Later, teachers can freely choose, create, use and develop their own RPP format, which consists of three core components, namely learning objectives, learning activities, and assessment.
The step was taken so that teachers have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process.
"Writing the lesson plan is done efficiently and effectively so that the teacher has more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process itself. One page is enough, "explained Nadiem.
Zoning System
Whereas in New Student Admissions (PPDB) will still use the zoning system but made more flexible. He admitted that this was to accommodate the imbalance of access and quality in various regions.
For its own composition, the zoning pathway is 50%, the affirmation path is at least 15%, and the path is a maximum of 5%. As for the path of achievement or the remaining 0-30% is adjusted to local conditions.
"Regions have the authority to determine the final proportions and determine zoning areas," he said.
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