Sunday, February 9, 2020



The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) launched the School Literacy Movement (GLS) as a development of Permendikbud Number 23 of 2015 concerning Growth of Characteristics in Children. Following up on the movement, each student must do creative things related to literacy culture.
One of them is by creating a Reading Corner in each class. This is certainly made with the creativity of the students concerned, so that it is different in each class. Reading Corner is the corner where students read, there are provided books about education and science, as well as student work that can add to the uniqueness and artistic.
So that the Reading Corner becomes a magnet to attract students to read. Then the Reading Corner must be interesting and artistic.

Here are the reading corner in class 9.2.

Benefits of Reading Corner in Class
The Reading Corner was made not to rival the School Library, but rather helped the School Library in creating a fondness for reading and reading routines for students. So that the books provided at the Reading Corner are strived to be different from those available at the School Library.
In the context of developing students' interest in reading, Reading Corner in each class has benefits including: 
  • Can stimulate students to be more fond of reading and have good thinking power. 
  • Bring books closer to students so students are more interested in reading. 
  • Can be linked as part of learning activities by the teacher
  • Assist the School Library in cultivating reading routines, when the books students want to read are not available in the School Library. 


Our class has a place for crafts, children’s crafts will be put there. Crafts have many benefits from one of them, we can develop children’s creativity. Those who cannot do accademically might be good at crafts, so we can express their ideas through crafts. And crafts also practice other basic skill, example neatly cut, coloring and more. We will also learn to be confident in their work, when we are not doing anything they can make something what we want. We can also learn to practice patience, in making crafts there must be something that fails or does not meet our expectations. We have to be patient and have high spirits, because when we fail we have to make it again and we can’t give up easily. Making crafts can eliminate stress, when we need refreshing we can make something useful by making crafts.

By making crafts we can be free from stress and can eliminate fatigue. And also increase happiness because we feel comfortable with these activities. When we make our crafts we also become more confident with our crafts, and also increase concentration. For example, when we cut we must be careful and we can learn a lot from crafts. Learning is not always with lessons in class, we can start by making crafts.
It contrast to its positive effects, the negative impacts are not so many. One of the negative ipact is that it consumes energy, so we will be tired if we continue to make crafts. And also wasting money to buy ingredients, we become less thrift, and also we make a lot of rubbish so that sometimes some unused material is wasted. So, use these ingredients as needed so that nothing is wasted.

This question must have crossed your mind, why should there be crafts in the classroom?  we can make it ourselves at home and usually for room decoration etc. With the crafts in our class we can show or display our creations, we can show how creative we are. The existence of handicrafts in the classroom will not limit children’s creativity, children will bring out all their creations and express their ideas. Our class is also more colourful, varied, and more beautiful of course. Surely we are bored with the items in our class, so we can add to it by making crafts as creative as possible. Some handicraft works can be used as wall hangings or can also be used for pencils, markers eraser boards etc.  

Pendidikan Abad 21

Siapkah kita menghadapi pendidikan Abad 21?  Abad 21 adalah abad yang memiliki perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan sangat pesat. Menunggu revolusi pendidikan, banyak hal yang seharusnya sudah disiapkan dari sekarang. Jika tidak ada kesiapan dari masyarakat, maka tantangan yang muncul akibat revolusi ini akan sulit diatasi. 
Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dapat mengubah gaya hidup manusia dalam segala aspek kegiatan. Perkembangan teknologi juga dapat dengan mudah memasuki dunia pendidikan. Pada era revolusi ini, teknologi lah yang menjadi tonggak pendidikan. Peran guru akan berkurang karena digantikan oleh video-video pembelajaran yang beredar di internet. Gedung-gedung sekolah juga akan berkurang karena pada era ini pembelajaran bisa dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja.Akses pendidikan memang menjadi lebih mudah. Namun,pihak sekolah tetap dituntut untuk menghasilkan output siswa yang mampu bersaing dan siap bekerja. Untuk menyesuaikan dengan pendidikan Abad 21, kita bisa mencontoh salah satu sistem pendidikan Negara maju, yaps Amerika contohnya.

istem pendidikan Amerika menawarkan banyak pilihan untuk mahasiswa internasional. Ketika Anda memulai pencarian, mahasiswa dapat kewalahan dalam memilih universitas yang akan dituju, program apa yang dipilih, serta lokasi. Oleh karena itu sangatlah penting untuk mengenal sistem pendidikan di Amerika. Pemahaman sistem ini akan membantu Anda untuk mempersempit pilihan studi serta membangun rencana studi Anda.
Struktur Pendidikan
Sekolah Primer dan Sekunder
Sistem Penilaian
Seperti layaknya pelajar Amerika, Anda harus mengirimkan transkrip akademik sebagai bagian dari pendaftaran untuk penerimaan masuk ke universitas atau college. Transkrip akademik yang memenuhi syarat adalah pernyataan resmi dari nilai akademik Anda. Di A.S., transkrip akademik termasuk "grade (nilai)" dan "Grade Point Average (GPA)/Index Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK), yang merupakan ukuran dari pencapaian akademik Anda dan kemudian dilanjutkan sepanjang tahun.
Tahun akademik terdiri dari dua term yang disebut sebagai "semester." (beberapa perguruan tinggi menggunakan tiga term kalender yang disebut sebagai sistem "trimester"). Sebagian lagi menggunakan sistem kuarter dari empat term, termasuk sesi pilihan musim panas. Pada dasarnya, Anda tidak menghitung sesi musim panas, tahun akademik terdiri dari dua semester atau tiga term kuarter.
Jenis Pendidikan Tinggi Amerika
1. Universitas atau Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
Perguruan tinggi negeri didukung dan dijalankan oleh negara bagian atau pemerintah lokal. Setiap 50 negara bagian A.S. mempunyai paling sedikit satu universitas negeri dan beberapa college negeri. Banyak dari perguruan tinggi negeri ini mempunyai nama dari negara bagian, atau kata "state (negara bagian)" di dalam nama perguruan tinggi mereka: sebagai contoh, Washington State University dan University of Michigan.
2. Universitas atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta
Perguruan tinggi ini dijalankan secara swasta. Biaya kuliah biasanya lebih tinggi dari perguruan tinggi negeri. Seringkali, universitas dan perguruan tinggi swasta A.S. lebih kecil daripada perguruan tinggi negeri.
Universitas dan college yang berhubungan dengan agama adalah college swasta. Perguruan tinggi ini menerima mahasiswa yang berbeda agama dan kepercayaan. Tetapi ada sebagian kecil perguruan tinggi yang lebih mengharapkan untuk menerima mahasiswa yang berkeyakinan sama.
3. Community College (Perguruan Tinggi Dua Tahun)
Community college adalah perguruan tinggi dua-tahun yang memberikan gelar associate (diploma) yang dapat ditransfer, dan juga sertifikasi. Ada banyak jenis gelar associate, tetapi faktor yang membedakan adalah apakah gelar tersebut dapat ditransfer atau tidak. Biasanya, ada dua jalur gelar primer: satu untuk transfer akademik dan yang lainnya untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa mendapatkan pekerjaan secara langsung. Gelar universitas yang dapat ditransfer umumnya associate of arts (diploma seni) atau associate of science (diploma sains).
Yang tidak dapat ditransfer adalah gelar associate of applied science (diploma sains aplikasi) dan certificates of completion (sertifikat kelulusan).
Jika Anda tidak berencana untuk memperoleh gelar yang lebih tinggi dari associate, Anda harus menemukan apakah gelar associate akan berguna untuk menemukan pekerjaan di negara asal Anda.
4. Institute of Technology (Lembaga Teknologi)
Institute of Technology adalah perguruan tinggi yang menyediakan pendidikan sains dan teknologi selama paling sedikit empat tahun. Beberapa mempunyai program graduate, yang lainnya menawarkan mata kuliah jangka pendek.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

News of Saiful Illah's Arrest

Regent, Saiful Ilah, is now officially a suspect in the case. The KPK also helped secure Rp 1.8 billion in the silent operation.

KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata explained, initially the anti-profit agency received information on the existence of money transfer transactions related to infrastructure projects in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. After confirming this information, the KPK suspected that there had been a handover of money related to the procurement of infrastructure projects in the Regency.
"The KPK secured three people from the private sector, namely Ibn Ghopur Totok Sumedi, and IWN in the parking lot of the Pendopo or the Sidoarjo Regent's Official Office on Tuesday (7/1) at 18:18 WIB. The KPK helped secure Rp259 million in money, "Alex said at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday (1/8).
Not enough to stop there, the KPK then secured Regent Saiful Ilah and his aide Budiman at the Regent's office at 18.24 WIB. From the hands of the regent's aide, the KPK secured a backpack containing Rp. 350 million in Rp 100,000 denominations.
Then, the KPK's action task force team moved to the home of Sunarti Setyaningsih, as the Head of the Sidoarjo Regency's Public Works, Highways and Water Resources Office at his private residence at 18.36 West Indonesian Time, the KPK also secured Rp 225 million.
Then, at 18:45 IWST, the action team took action to meet Novianto, who was the Head of the Protocol Subdivision. He came to the Hall after being contacted by the KPK.
Furthermore, at 19.18 West Indonesian Time, the anti-profit agency also secured Judi Tetrahastoto as the Commitment Making Officer of the Public Works, Highways, and Water Resources of Sidoarjo Regency in his private home. KPK then secured hundreds of millions of money from the hands of Gambling.
"From Gambling, the KPK secures Rp 229,300,000," Alex said.
After that, the interfaith commission secured two Ibn Ghoppur staff in his office, namely Siti Nur Findiyah and Suparni at 19.40 WIB and 23.14 WIB. From the hands of Suparni, the KPK then secured Rp 750 million worth of money stored in a black backpack.
Finally, the KPK secured Sanadjihitu Sangadji, who is the Head of the Procurement Services Unit, in his private home at 00.25 WIB. Then 10 people who were secured were taken to the Jakarta Red and White Building, and arrived at around 09.00 WIB.
"In this hand catching activity, the total money secured by the KPK is Rp 1,813,300,000. The KPK will explore further the relationship of evidence of money in this case, "explained Alex.
In a silent operation carried out on Tuesday (7/1) in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, the KPK at least secured 11 people. Six other people were named as suspects.
Four people named as bribery suspects include Sidoarjo Regent Saiful Ilah, Head of Public Works Department of Bina Marga and Sidoarjo Regency Water Resources, Sunarti Setyaningsih, Commitment Making Officer of Public Works Office of Bina Marga, and Sidoarjo Regency Water Resources, Judi Tetrahastoto, Head of Unit Division of Sidoarjo District Sanadjihitu Sangadji Procurement Service.
Meanwhile, two other people, namely Ibn Ghopur and Totok Sumedi, were named as suspects of bribes. Both are private elements.
As the recipient of a bribe, Saiful Ilah, Sunarti Setyaningsih, Judi Tetrahastoto and Sanadjihitu Sangadji were allegedly violating Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.
Meanwhile, as the giver of bribes Ibn Ghopur and Totok Sumed is suspected of violating article 5 paragraph 1 letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph ( 1) the 1st Criminal Code.

Articles of Leaders in Islam

The resurrection of the people depends on thinking about humans, the universe and life and the relationships before and after it. From this thought a true and strong foundation will be born, in the form of Islamic creed. But this is not enough without a leader who will always take care of it and direct it in achieving revival. The existence of a leader is a must for humans, just as there must be water for life.
Justice and truth will not be seen except in the presence of leader power. The people will become weak without a leader. If the people are weak then they will not get benefit; Sharia laws cannot be enforced either. As a result, they feel uncomfortable about their lives, do not get the glory and can not drive away their enemies. Because truly, the leader is the protector of the people.
"Indeed, a priest (leader) is a shield, where people fight behind him and take refuge with him."

Our Madrasah

Muslimat NU School located at Jalan Jenggolo 53 Sidoarjo launches the ASTEAM (Adab, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Education Management program Wednesday (5/15), at R.M. Handayani Kahuripan.

Syamsuhari, ST, S.Pd, .Pd.i, MM Principal of MTs. Bilingual Muslimat NU Pucang in Asteam Education Management, there are three programs namely "Come Mondok, Adab Course, Coding, TOEFL and Launching Learning 4.0 to 5.0.
This program is the forerunner to the establishment of the Boarding School Muslimat Muslim NU Sidoarjo. And Asteam Education management is applied by Muslimat NU schools, starting from MI NU, MTs. Bilungual Muslimat NU, and MA Bilingual Muslimat NU.
"NU Muslim Muslim School wants to take learning one step further, if learning 4.0 only involves technology, but learning 5.0 is learning that involves technology and manners," Syamsuhari explained.
Chairperson of PWLP Maarif NU East Java Dr. H. Noorshodiq Askandar asserted that with civilized lectures students could have clever and correct advantages, which are characteristic.
"Schools in the NU environment must be better with the use and development of technology," said Noorshodiq.
Meanwhile, Sidoarjo Deputy Regent H. Nur Ahmad Syaifuddin, SH, was very proud, and at the same time thanked the Muslimat NU Sidoarjo Branch who really took strategic in providing human resources, which would later become a milestone in the history of education in Sidoarjo Regency.
"Our current education is not only transferring knowledge, but it must have aqeedah, and a strong faith to produce good morals," explained Cak Nur.
The launch was closed with a declaration of learning 5.0 from the Muslim students of NU Pucang.
Ø Program MTs Bilingual Muslimat Nu Pucang Sidoarjo
MTs Bilingual Muslimat Pucang Nu Sidoarjo provides adequate facilities, for example at this time it has started with the digital era. Mr.Hari provides smart television facilities to help students understand all student material through video or digitally. In 2018-2019, there will be a bilingual student using digital methods for learning. the method used is displaying videos on television and the teacher explains the essence of the material that is still not understood by students. in  Muslimat Muslim NU Pucang Sidoarjo is now no longer using question papers. The test is carried out using only answer sheets from the supervisor and the questions are displayed in the video. every 1 question was given 3 minutes to answer after that the next problem continued. but not all subjects use videos during exams, for example, don't use videos: discuss Arabic, English, Indonesian.
then there is another school program, toefl. toefl is a madrasa program that aims to improve the ability to speak and understand reading and English problems. in the window there are 5 components that must be mastered by each student. These 5 points are
1. Speaking
2. reading
3. writting
4. Listening
5. grammar
Ø The purpose of the madrasa program is :
1. make students as millennials who are ready to plunge to fulfill their ideals
2. make students as students who have good character and good manners
3. make the next generation a successful nation of the afterlife

Ø A habit that is done while at school :
1. Come to the morning then go to the mosque
2. Do istighosa and muroja'ah together
3. Return to class for teaching and learning activities [KBM] until 09.00
4. At 09.00 am break using English when talking with friends as well as the       seller
5. At 09.25 entered the class and continued KBM until 12:15
6. At 12:15 to the mosque to perform the midday prayer.
7. At 13:00 second break for lunch
8. At 13.25 continue KBM until 15.40
9. At 15:40 to the mosque and perform ashar prayer in congregation
10. After the prayer back to class and continue KBM until 16.50

11. At 16:50 home

Reader Letter

Learning system
The learning system that is owned by MTsB is very good. In this study using the Cambridge curriculum. In this madrasa, it is very important to prioritize the English language skills of students in their daily activities around the madrasa. In addition to general lessons that have progress, religious education is also progressing. Noteworthy in a number of madrasa environment, cleanliness and beauty of the building. In the school environment we need to pay attention to the beauty of the school environment to create a sense of comfort in teaching and learning activities.

The reading corner
The reading corners contained in each corner of the class can help the school library to create a fondness for reading and reading routines for students. The benefits of having a reading corner are also many, one of which is that we can master more knowledge that we do not know or have not obtained from the teaching and learning activities material. However, in the reading corner there must also be a number of things that need attention such as the content contained in the book. Usually, not all books available in the reading corner have scientific content

Nadiem Makarim's New Policy on USBN, RPP and Zoning System

 Nadiem Makarim said that the implementation of the 2020 National Examination (UN) will be the last to be held.

The National Examination will be replaced by the Minimum Competence Assessment and Character Survey conducted in 4th grade for elementary school, 8th grade for junior high school and 11th grade for vocational high school.

So, how about other related policies ?, In a press release from the Bureau of Communication and Community Service of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem established four educational policies named 'Merdeka Belajar'.

"The four main programs of the policy will be the direction of debriefing in the future, which will focus on the direction of the President and Vice President in improving the quality of human resources," Nadiem said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (11/12).

The implementation of USBN
The National Standard School Examination (USBN) in 2020 will be held by the school. Later, what will be assessed are student competencies with written tests as well as other more comprehensive assessments. Such as portfolios and assignments (group work, paperwork and so on).

According to Nadiem, thus teachers and schools will be more flexible in assessing student learning outcomes. "The USBN budget itself can be diverted to develop the capacity of teachers and schools," he said.

RPP is composed by the teacher freely
While for the preparation of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), the Ministry of Education and Culture will cut some of its components.

Later, teachers can freely choose, create, use and develop their own RPP format, which consists of three core components, namely learning objectives, learning activities, and assessment.

The step was taken so that teachers have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process.

"Writing the lesson plan is done efficiently and effectively so that the teacher has more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process itself. One page is enough, "explained Nadiem.

Zoning System
Whereas in New Student Admissions (PPDB) will still use the zoning system but made more flexible. He admitted that this was to accommodate the imbalance of access and quality in various regions.

For its own composition, the zoning pathway is 50%, the affirmation path is at least 15%, and the path is a maximum of 5%. As for the path of achievement or the remaining 0-30% is adjusted to local conditions.

"Regions have the authority to determine the final proportions and determine zoning areas," he said.